01 May 2009

Do You Have Good Marketing Hygiene?

One of the biggest challenges new and seasoned solopreneurs seem to have is developing the habit of regularity when it comes to marketing. It's a central truth that for marketing to really attract clients, it needs to be done continually. Something -- just one little thing -- should be done everyday that serves your client niche.

A lot of self-employed professionals in the healing arts engage with the care and feeding of their business more like a firefighter than a gardener. We spend our days in crisis mode, putting out one fire after another, rather than patiently and methodically planting and watering seeds, and pulling out weeds. While we may get small flare-ups of clients who are likewise in frantic panic mindset, what we don't get is steady growth of name recognition in the marketplace and a bountiful harvest of ideal clients.

Having good marketing hygiene is like having good self-care hygiene -- it is the set of actions you do that take care of the daily health of your business. Whether it's interacting on a social media or discussion board site, blogging, updating your website, writing articles, giving a talk, attending a networking event or talking a potential referral source to lunch, it's crucial that you do at least one marketing related thing every day.

Plan it, schedule it, and follow through. Make it your business hygiene system for growing a thriving practice. Start today.

1 comment:

Mike Miller, PhD said...

GREAT metaphor!!! (as well as an excellent challenge) THANKS Deah!

Mike Miller, PhD