03 January 2009

Tip #3 -- Eat and Sleep Marketing

How does one EAT marketing?

Well, what I mean is, borrow from the corporate world and do some marketing outreach over coffee or a meal. Here are some possibilities:

  • join a business networking group -- they usually meet at a meal time
  • ask a potential referral source to lunch or coffee
  • take an afternoon snack in to referral source's place of business
  • offer a brown bag workshop at someone's workplace
  • host a happy hour support group with appetizers

Okay, but how do you SLEEP marketing?

Ideally, when we sleep, we dream. (not all of us do, of course, but hang in here with me in this metaphor) In the broad sense, dreams are just conversations with your subconscious mind. In daytime you can access your subconscious by:

  • engaging in meditation
  • doing a guided visualization
  • drawing a tarot or angel card
  • allowing your own intuition to bubble up into consciousness

Bonus coaching questions: What 2 ways of eating marketing will you do for yourself this month? Which way of sleeping marketing will you incorporate into your daily habits this month?

As always, trust your mindbodyspirit to resonate with what's right for you.

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